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What is a Leader?
A leader may simply be defined as someone who can see how things can be optimised and who rallies others to move toward that better vision. Leaders have to be driven by the right motivation and make a positive impact on the people around them.
Since the beginning of the 21st Century, there has been much discussion about our increasingly VUCA world – one filled with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity and the set of challenges which individuals, teams, managers, and organizations all have to face. Individually, these challenges can be significant; but they can be formidable when they are combined.
The COVID 19 experience has added another layer of uncertainty and a need for organisations to develop resilient leaders, capable of inspiring confidence and complete optimism within teams. 

 The 21st Century VUCA World












The Fundamental Truth 
           Emotions drive People and People drive Performance 
Powerbase uses the Emotional Intelligence framework as a backdrop to working with leaders, high-value individual contributors and teams to develop a context of trust in order to:
â–²  Inspire deep motivation
â–²  Achieve smooth operational execution
â–²  Facilitate effective teamwork
â–²  Create a readiness for change

Emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger

predictor of who will be most successful, because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job.


Daniel Goleman

Outstanding leaders have a strong mix of vision and practical skills, detailed insight and most importantly, they set a context for their people to excel. This means achieving a unique balance in strategy, operations and the needs of each and every individual.
In the words of Simon Sinek:  
" A boss has the title, a leader has the people" 
All Leadership Programs are aligned with the specific organisational vision and objectives and  focus on:
â–²  Influence
â–²  Efficacy
â–²  Design 
â–²  Direction
The tools and models derived from the latest neuro-scientific research and built into tailored coaching and workshop programs including: 

â–²  Executive Coaching Programs

â–²  Emotional Intelligence Leadership Workshops

â–³  Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

â–³  Leading with Emotional Intelligence

â–³  Emotional Intelligence in Embracing Change 

â–³  Emotional Intelligence for Sales Performance

â–³  Emotional Intelligence for Crisis Management 

â–³  From Tech to Exec - Developing with Emotional Intelligence 

â–³  EQ Insights for People Managers



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Powering Leaders

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Powering Teams 




Successful organisations grow by embracing the rapidly changing commercial context, and by recognising and cultivating effective teams.
For a team to be truly effective, it needs to more than a collection of technically competent individuals. World-class teams embody a shared ownership of the vision, a culture of open communication and unbridled intrinsic motivation.
By a mixture of workshop and team coaching programs, Powerbase works with clients to build teams which are:
â–²  Motivated by a common sense of purpose
â–²  Exhilarated by the prospect of change
â–²  Open in communication 
â–²  Inspired by each other
â–²  Bound by deep-rooted trust

Great things in business are never done by one person, they're done by a team of people. 


Steve Jobs 


Assessment Tools

To attain optimal performance, we need to know where our strengths are and exactly what improvements are required.
All our programs commence with an initial assessment of relevant profiles and competencies.
We use a range of tools and reports that provide clients with access to data specific to their business, so that you can better understand your people and measure effectiveness.





The Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment: a framework that equips individuals to use and develop their EQ ......


Vital Signs



 3 scientifically validated measurement tools to improve effectiveness for individual leaders, teams, and whole organisations...


Brain Profiles



 Brain Style is a picture of how the emotional and rational parts of the brain are working together...

EQ Plus Motivation Profile


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 Tool that measures  which Intrinsic Motivators are supporting or challenging a person’s success . .
The Powerbase

Powerbase Consulting DWC LLC

DWC Business Centre

Dubai Aviation City-Logistics City

P.O.Box 390667





Direct/ Fax: +971 (0) 4 887 82 91

Mobile: +971 50283 1945 

Central: +971 (0) 4 806 35 33

For any general enquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

Thanks you! We will get back to you shortly

+971(0) 4 887 8291

+971(0) 50 283 1945

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